ASTC Director Matt Roche is to present at the National Sports Convention to be held on the 23 and 24 June 2016 at Rosehill Racecourse in Sydney, Australia. The two day convention is a dedicated sport and recreation management conference and expo aimed at focusing on how to encourage more people to play, recreate and participate in sport and hat facilities, solutions and infrastructure are needed to activate and retain them. Matt Roche has been asked by the convention organisers to speak on the Latest Turf Species to Increase Durability, Resilience and Playing Capacity on Sports Fields. The presentation will include options and technology available and what is coming in via the USA research channels that may work in Australia. Matt will also provide an insight into the soon to be released TurfFinder website that will enable sports turf and facility managers to find out more information on what suitable turf varieties are commercially available and where they can be obtained. The collective information is to help sports facilities with natural turfgrass achieve the best result for their playing field given the available resources to meet user requirements.
For further information on the National Sports Convention please see the brochure below or visit
National Sports Convention