New Buffalograss

ASTC's Matt Roche was the Qualified Person (QP) for the testing and registration of Australia's new Stenotaphrum secundatum (buffalograss) variety 'TBLL',

ASTC has undertaken comparative testing and submitted the necessary documentation to IP Australia to seek Plant Breeder’s Rights (PBR) protection on our new buffalograss (Stenotaphrum secundatum) variety ‘TBLL’. ASTC will be conducting further research and development of this variety to assist the breeder open market opportunities both here in Australia and overseas. ‘TBLL’ will be granted PBR protection on 31 July 2013. The breeder of ‘TBLL’ is Bob Cray from The Bottom Line Turf Supplies Pty Ltd, QLD – suppliers to Queensland Sports and Athletics Centre, Skilled Park & Metricon Stadium.


TBLL’ undergoing field testing

Comparative photo of buffalograss stolons ‘TBLL’, ‘Sir Walter’, ‘SS100’ (Palmetto™), ‘B12’ (Sapphire™) and ‘TF01’ (Jabiru™).