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Sports Turf Fertiliser Trial

ASTC organised a sports turf fertiliser to be setup within South East Queensland. The trial, endorsed by Brisbane City Council, was established to compare 22 fertilisers products from suppliers to be able to demonstrate differences to Council and sporting clubs.


A replicated research trial was conducted to evaluate various fertiliser technologies used for turfgrass maintenance. The study aimed to assess 23 distinct fertiliser products sourced from eight different suppliers. Among these products, 21 were granular fertilisers, while one was an organic granule coated with fertiliser. The trial aimed to compare these products based on their efficacy and longevity, highlighting the performance variations attributed to their respective technologies.

The trial was financially supported by the Brisbane City Council (BCC) and the eight participating fertiliser companies, which also provided the fertiliser samples for the study. The BCC’s interest in this research was to gain insights into the performance of different fertiliser products. This knowledge would assist the Council make informed decisions regarding the selection and application of fertilisers across its extensive network of over 500 sporting fields. Given the significant investment the BCC makes in maintaining and enhancing these facilities, optimizing fertiliser use and expenditure becomes crucial for achieving desired outcomes

Participating Organisations


Fertilier Suppliers:


Australian Sports Turf Consultants would like to thank the organisations who contributed to this research study.

A special thank you to the Queensland Sports and Athletics Centre (QSAC) Ground Staff and former Ground Manager Matthew Oliver for providing access to a trial site and maintaining the site for the duration of the trial.


Fertiliser Trial:

Final Report

Please click on the link below to access and download the final report (3.56MB).

Sports Turf Fertiliser Trial -

Photo: Setup of fertiliser trial site at QSAC in Brisbane, QLD on the 11 March 2021 prior to fertiliser treatment application.

Fertiliser products being trialed

Below are images of the 22 fertiliser products being trialed. The products have been photographed on a 10 mm square grid photo reference board for reference. 

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