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Monster Jam

Australian Sports Turf Consultants (ASTC) was engaged by the Queensland Sports and Athletics Centre (QSAC) to conduct an independent agronomic sports field assessment of the natural turf playing surface pre- and post- the 2015 Monster Jam World Tour held in Brisbane on 3 October 2015. The purpose of the visits was to independently assess surface hardness, compaction, soil moisture and hydraulic conductivity (water infiltration) conditions of the turf surface and rootzone pre-event on the 25 September and post-event on the 6 October 2015. The assessment provided an excellent opportunity not only to provide the QSAC Grounds Manager and Management with a view of how their field was performing, but also how the conditions changed (if at all) following the addition of 5,000 tonne of soil being imported into their facility for the setup and running of the Monster truck event. The data and subsequent reporting by ASTC was also provided to FELD Motor Sports who manages the four-wheel drive spectacular.