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Sports Field Topdressing Trial

ASTC organised a sand blend topdressing trial to be setup within South East Queensland. The trial, endorsed by Brisbane City Council, was established to compare 4 sand topdressing blends to be able to demonstrate product differences to Council and sporting clubs.

Project Brief

A replicated trial was established within a community Tier 1 AFL Brisbane City Council (BCC) sports field. The sand blend topdressing trail was established to assess and compare 4 products following a 10 mm sand blend topdressing application.

The purpose of the trial was to gather information that would hopefully provide beneficial to both Council and the community sporting clubs to see how a sand blend product could benefit their field(s).

The trial was established in late January 2021 and concluded two months after. Funding to undertake the independent trial, run by ASTC, was provided by Brisbane City Council and the participating sand suppliers listed below.

More information will be available shortly, including test results.

Participating Organisations


Sand Suppliers:


Sand Blend Topdressing Trial: