Tender Specifications for Moreton Bay Regional Council

ASTC is in the process of preparing tender documentation for Moreton Bay Regional Council (MBRC) to assist them with the procurement of fertiliser and amendment products suitable for sportsfield use. The purpose of updating and strengthening the specification and tender documentation is to provide MBRC with fertiliser and amendment products that are suitable for sports turf use, provide value for dollar and environmental stewardship by implementing BMP’s. The acquisition of fertiliser and amendment products can prove costly for Council each year to maintain their sportsfields. However, it is necessary in order for Council to maintain their assets and provide playable sports surfaces for their end users. Australian Sports Turf Consultants has strengthened MBRC fertiliser and amendment specifications so Suppliers can only tender on products that meet their new target specifications. ASTC has also introduced product quality control checks that Suppliers must meet should they wish to supply products to Council. The quality control checks including the supply of technical information, reference material etc. will be the first of its kind in Australia and no doubt other Council’s will soon follow suit.